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Showing posts from December, 2021

The Education System: In Need of Restructuring

In this article, I would like to talk about a subject that has daunted me for years of having gone through the ups and downs of my student life, right from school life until college life. It is a subject that I often wanted to question, given how on it's part, it plays quite a significant role in influencing how we live our lives the way we live it. There is no other broad and encompassing term to refer to this collection of mindsets and value systems communicated by the so-called: 'Education System' as it has come to be referred to increasingly in recent times. As we all are aware about it, education or rather the 'educational system' is a way of communicating the 'value systems and ideals' of a set country as well as the culture that governs it. It serves as a way a particular community would identify itself with it's heritage, lineage, history and the list goes on. The educational system of a country like India, would in relative terms be different ...