Alone, I sit one day looking at
the skies thinking of what it is to live in a village filled with so many
countless trees and birds out there and the skies which are filled with sadness
and gloom, waiting to pour in their sorrows upon me when suddenly I decide to
take a stroll around my village to let go off the loneliness and isolation that
characterizes this place.
As I set off for my short stroll
around the ward, I notice two houses, abandoned by their owners sadly with the
ongoing disputes and quarrels over the years and have now left them to turn
into endless swathes of overgrown jungles and forests with all the possible
creatures one can ever think of existing.
As I tread along the lonely
pathway in my village, I can feel the jitters and the scares within me, with
everything so quiet, so peaceful, filled with the sense of tranquility and
solitude but at the same time scary with nobody out and about in the village
lanes and by lanes by late evening. There is not a soul to be found on the
village lanes, nor even a sound to be heard from the houses with just the occasional sound of the birds chirping and the breeze blowing against the trees.
As I move out and about on my
short stroll, I notice what appears to look like a small storeroom now after so
many years. It brings to memory what was earlier once upon a time a small grocery
shop that used to operate but is now no more to be
seen. There is another house, looking really nice and beautiful but once again has been abandoned by it's owners and has been left to have a natural death of it's own with the overgrown weeds and wild plants that surround it all.
I finally end my journey but with a smile coupled with a surprise on seeing that on the patch of land that was left abandoned many years ago, there is finally going to be a house coming up very soon, not very far from my house!!!! So I'm eagerly waiting and excited on welcoming the arrival of the new neighbor to our village to take away the loneliness and despair that otherwise fills this village.
Published in The Navhind Times (Kuriocity Creative) on 11 October 2020.