The night has just unfolded, and behold the skies filled
with stars shining in their greatest volume, bringing light to the living
beings below it at distances from their splendour. They shine brightly in their
entirety as they make way to conquer the world with the light that it deserves
at this point in time.
As darkness now
envelops the world, as nations join hands together to fight the spread of the
disease, and as people take refuge in their shelters, a greater understanding
of humanity has now dissolved into the hearts and minds of people.
A humanity that knows no bounds, a humanity where we are all brothers and sisters united in diversity, a humanity where
there exists no differences between ourselves and our fellow neighbors, a
humanity where we learn to respect each other’s personal opinions about life
and finally a humanity which is filled with boundless love for one another
transcending all social and cultural barriers, paving the way for a greater
understanding of our world which is otherwise a small village.
It indeed really
disheartening, as the disease has taken nearly a third of the world’s
population leaving people under distress and anxiety of what the future really holds
for them, but if one could look at it from a more broader perspective it has
made us realize how we all are one in the same beings created on this earth,
all with varying potentials to change the world for the greater good and make
the world a better place to live in!!!!
As the day comes to a close, the skies continue to remain
dark as a way to remind us all of our wrong-doings, of not taking
the time to introspect on ourselves, our actions, our misdeeds towards others
but yet as the stars keep shining in an attempt to narrow down all the prospects of
our misdeeds putting an end to our lives, there is a greater
hope that the Universal and the Supreme Almighty will one fine day redeem us all of our sufferings that have been thrust upon us all and let us live life truly with happiness and joy to encompass us all!!!!
PS: Below are two pictures I captured of the stars along with the moon in the sky that despite all the darkness that surrounds them all, continue to shine brightly day by day!!!!
PS: Below are two pictures I captured of the stars along with the moon in the sky that despite all the darkness that surrounds them all, continue to shine brightly day by day!!!!
Published on The Navhind Times (Kuriocity Creative) as 'Hope for Redemption' on 19 August 2020