There standing in the garden, lay a small plant taking the shape of what looks like almost a palm tree with wide flappy-like leaves which flap themselves as the breeze passes to and fro. Shaded with a whole array of branches of our ancestral mango tree whose fruits we cherish to the fullest, it looks more like a canopy or a gazebo with a few potted plants surrounding it in the form of a circle, and what appear to be a smaller version of the bushes we have in our garden that border this gazebo, with triangular bricks which could make for a small mini-forest, had there been many more varieties of plants in the same area itself. The fruits of the palm like plant that make for the gazebo hang from the branches, a cluster of small orange berry like fruits which fill me with wonder and imagination of the name people have given this plant as well as what the taste of them must be, as I’m just filled with curiosity of the bunch full of berries that this plant has been endowe...