Social media which is a way of connecting with our close friends and family members today has really influenced us a lot in the way we think, our opinions we have on various matters of interest be it either social, political or in common interests that matter to us the most such as environmental causes, fundraisers and so on and so forth. In the whole process however, it has connected us all together where our mutual interests or opinions do matter to us the most while at the same time, it has also created this so-called barrier or cloud of the fantasy world or 'utopia', where we feel that we are connected but in reality, we are ‘disconnected’.
Social media has indeed made us less social or
interactable in our day to day lives or circumstances. While we may often write
personal messages or ‘DM’s’ as it is often referred to in the language of the
‘millennials’, it has created a widespread gap in personal, social or intimate
connections that we as youngsters have to face or enthrall ourselves with. Most
of the times, the impression created of social media is more of the exposition
of people’s mindsets, or whatever happens in their day to day lives, thereby
creating that culture of ‘narcissism’ or 'narcissistic behavior' which could be
very detrimental to the personal relationships or human connections we try to
forge with the people around us. It has essentially or rather paradoxically
united the world while at the same time divided it, with the culture of
‘individualism’ or ‘me myself and I’ behavior or disposition forming the core
essence of our society today. The true community feeling or togetherness as
they say has been lost with the advent
of social media, and this is something to be seriously considered. The growing
emphasis on 'perfectionism' and the need to be popular has also created this
so-called ‘pop-culture’ that very much dominates the society that we all live
in as of today.
Social media is definitely become one of the
tools that we have all resorted to connect with our loved ones especially in
the times of the pandemic, but in the long term our human existence depends
more on personal and intimate relationships which is something that social
media cannot and will not be able achieve in the long run or duration of us
human beings on this planet Earth. Therefore, we really need be aware and
cognizant of the fact that social media is just one element of the way we
connect with the people all around us, but definitely cannot be a substitute to
the social or emotional bonds that we form with one another as humans.
PS: The article above is an adaptation to a previous one that I had written on Social Media: A Mind Game which was also published on this blog and also happens to be an essay topic that was asked as part one of my subject's exams that I had answered relatively recently which I just thought of sharing it with you all my followers and viewers :)